Your Guide to Making the Process Easier
Moving is always a stressful process, but it can be even harder when you have pets to worry about. How do you make sure your furry friend is safe and comfortable during the move? How do you keep them from getting lost or injured? Royal Movers Miami & Broward have all of the answers!
If you’re moving with pets, the first thing you need to do is figure out how you’re going to transport them. Are you going to drive them yourself? If so, make sure you have a plan for where they will stay during the drive. Will they be in the car with you, or in a crate in the backseat? If you’re flying, you’ll need to find a pet-friendly airline and make arrangements for their travel.
Once you’ve figured out how you’re going to get your pets to your new home, it’s time to start packing! Make sure you pack all of their food, toys, and bedding. You should also create a “pet emergency kit” that includes things like leashes, a first-aid kit, and copies of their medical records.
The day of the move is always chaotic, but it’s important to keep your pets in mind. If possible, put them in a quiet room with food and water while the rest of the house is being packed up. Once everything is loaded into the moving truck, make sure your pet is securely fastened in their travel crate. And finally, don’t forget to update your contact information with your new address!
Moving with pets doesn’t have to be stressful. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that both you and your furry friend have a smooth transition to your new home.